Política de Privacidade eng


The companhiadasquintas.pt website does not automatically collect any type of personal information from users who are not registered, thus allowing visitors to navigate anonymously.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully because, if you are accessing our website, the provision of your personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein. This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data carried out by Companhia das Quintas. Any links to websites external to Companhia das Quintas are not covered by this privacy statement.

This Privacy Policy regulates the possible collection and processing, namely the consent, regarding personal data collected or provided by users on any part of the website companhiadasquintas.pt, as well as the exercise of their rights regarding these data, under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

Personal data

Any information, of any nature and regardless of its medium, including sound and image, concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.

An identifiable person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

As a rule, we do not collect sensitive data. Whenever in compliance with a legal obligation or voluntarily and on the user's initiative sensitive data are made available, we assume their explicit, free and unequivocal consent to process this information for the purposes for which they have been provided.

Person responsible for data processing

The entity responsible for collecting and processing the personal data is Companhia das Quintas, which provides the service to you and which, in the context, decides which data is collected, the means of data processing and for what purposes the data is used.

Types of personal data collected

Companhia das Quintas, in the course of its business, collects and processes personal data necessary for processing orders and communicating with Customers, processing requests for information and any complaints, statistical analysis, as well as the respective use for direct marketing purposes. In this context it processes data such as: name, addresses, country, telephone number, taxpayer number, e-mail address, date of birth and personal interests in alcoholic beverages.

The personal data collected is processed electronically and in strict compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, and stored in specific databases, created for this purpose and which guarantee its security and confidentiality in accordance with the information technology measures, technical and organizational accepted in order to protect the loss, alteration, destruction, misuse in general or that the data collected be used for a purpose other than that for which consent was given by the holder of the data.

Should you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or request further information from us, you will be presented with a form for the collection of personal data and subsequent confirmation.

If you fill in any of the forms available for the purposes described above, we consider your conscious, express and unequivocal consent to the activation and subsequent use of the same to have been given.

Purpose of the processing of personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is to manage and process orders, communicate with Customers, process requests for information and possible complaints.

Periodically, Companhia das Quintas may use the contact information provided to supply information that it considers relevant, with the Data Holder always being allowed to stop receiving this type of information.

At the time of data collection, you may be given more detailed information about the use we will make of your data.

The data is also collected for the exclusive use of Companhia das Quintas' marketing activities, for the purposes of compiling aggregate statistics, metrics and general trend data for the improvement and optimization of advertising campaigns and for other marketing, promotional and analytical purposes.

Retention period

The period of time for which data are stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed and in accordance with any applicable legal obligations and requirements that require data to be retained for a minimum period of time.

Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal obligation, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or their subsequent processing, after which they will be deleted.

We expressly remind you that you may at any time request the elimination of all your personal data from our databases.

Access, update, rectification, opposition, limitation, removal and portability of personal data

Any request for access, updating, rectification, opposition, limitation, limitation, removal, portability or non-submission to automated individual decisions of personal data that may identify you may be requested by direct contact with Companhia das Quintas or using the contact form on the website companhiadasquintas.pt, indicating the subject.

Opposition to receiving contacts for marketing purposes

Companhia das Quintas may promote marketing actions among its customers, unless the Data Holder has opposed such action at the time of data collection.

If you do not wish to receive this communication you may object, at any time, to the use of your data for marketing purposes and sending informative communications, by sending a written request addressed to Companhia das Quintas or using the contact form on the website companhiadasquintas.pt, indicating the subject.

Communication of data to other entities (third parties and subcontractors)

As a rule, Companhia das Quintas does not share the personal data of users with third parties with whom it has not established a contractual relationship that provides for the confidential treatment of these data in accordance with the privacy statement of Companhia das Quintas.

Companhia das Quintas may communicate personal data to third parties provided that, to this end, it has obtained the unequivocal consent of the Data Holders or when: a) the communication is made in compliance with a legal obligation, a decision of the National Commission for Data Protection or a court order or b) the communication is carried out to protect the vital interests of the Data Holders or any other legitimate purpose provided for by law.

Companhia das Quintas takes the appropriate measures in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which will be duly established and safeguarded in a contract to be signed between Companhia das Quintas and the third party(ies).

Thus, any entity subcontracted by Companhia das Quintas will process the personal data collected and processed on behalf of Companhia das Quintas in the obligation to adopt the technical and organizational measures necessary to protect personal data against destruction, accidental or unlawful, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and against any other form of unlawful processing.

In any case, Companhia das Quintas remains responsible for the personal data collected.


In the case of some services, cookies (text file saved on the user's computer, with the purpose of personalizing visits) may be used to count the number of visits to the site without personally identifying the user. This type of cookies does not store or collect any type of personal information from the user, and its installation can always be controlled through the user's browser.

Alterations to the privacy policy

Companhia das Quintas reserves the right at any time and without prior notice and with immediate effect, but without prejudice to the legal rights granted to the Data Holders, to alter, add or revoke, partially or totally, this Privacy Policy.

Any changes will be immediately posted on this same web page, so we recommend visiting this page periodically to stay abreast of the latest version.

If you have any doubts or questions about the way Companhia das Quintas handles your personal data, please send us your request for clarification by email or to Companhia das Quintas's address.

Under the legal terms in force, any copy, reproduction, diffusion, modification, publication or any commercial or non-commercial use of any content found on this site is expressly forbidden without the prior written authorization of Companhia das Quintas, under penalty of legal action.

This Privacy Statement was last updated on February 2022.